Config Git Connection Refuse
This happens because a proxy is configured in git.
Since it’s https proxy (and not http) git config http.proxy
and git config --global http.proxy
can't help.
1 : take a look at your git configuration
git config --global -l
If you have nothing related to https proxy like https_proxy=...
the problem is not here.
If you have something related to https proxy then remove it from the file ~/.gitconfig
and try again
2 : if it still doesn’t work, unset environment variables
Check your environment variables :
env|grep -i proxy
You should have one or several lines with https_proxy=...
Unset one by one with : unset https_proxy
(or HTTPS_PROXY depending of the name of the variable)
3 : check environment variables again
env|grep -i proxy
If it shows nothing you should be good.
Note : This solution can applies to http and https proxy problems. just the variables name changes from https to http