Stress testing by API
Hello Sob, i will give information to Stress test for API
1 . create a structure like this :
Test Plan : project made
Thread Group : settings to determine how many accesses will be tested simultaneously
HTTP Request : input endpoint and req body for run test API
HTTP Header manager : input req header for run test API
Reporting : to display data on results that have been tested

2. Setting thread group
a. give value to Number of thered user to access test simultaneously
b. Input value Ramp-up periode(Second) to check how long this test is running
c. and input Loop Count according to several times the test is repeated
3. HTTP Request
a. if req body not used JSON then input in params and tick include equals
4. HTTP Header
a. input req header for run test API
5. Reporting
a. View Result in table : displays all test results in tabular form
b. View Result tree : displays all test results in tree form